
pay attention to what time Learn more about pay attention to what time

  • Can sows use fermentation beds and what should be paid attention to? What should I pay attention to during childbirth?

    Can sows use fermentation beds and what should be paid attention to? What should I pay attention to during childbirth?

    Can sows use fermentation beds and what should be paid attention to? What should I pay attention to during childbirth?

  • What to pay attention to when applying fertilizer to cucumber

    What to pay attention to when applying fertilizer to cucumber

    What to pay attention to when applying fertilizer to cucumber

  • What should we pay attention to when applying foliar fertilizer in tea garden?

    What should we pay attention to when applying foliar fertilizer in tea garden?

    What should we pay attention to when applying foliar fertilizer in tea garden? Please guide the application of foliar fertilizer in tea garden to pay attention to the following points: (1) the mixed use of foliar fertilizer and pesticide, pay attention to the chemical properties of pesticide and foliar fertilizer, whether the mixture produces sedimentation, discoloration and so on. (2) attention should be paid to the alternation of different fertilizers and the combined use of various fertilizers. (3).

  • What to pay attention to the latest cucumber fertilization

    What to pay attention to the latest cucumber fertilization

    Cucumber belongs to a kind of melon vegetable, which has very high nutritional value and many functions. It is a very popular vegetable in our country, and now the planting area in our country is also very large. Fertilization is a must when planting cucumbers.

    2020-11-10 The latest cucumber fertilization attention what belongs to
  • What are the seed planting methods of evergreen vine bluebells? What should we pay attention to in breeding? Need pruning

    What are the seed planting methods of evergreen vine bluebells? What should we pay attention to in breeding? Need pruning

    Vine bluebells, alias bluebells, are evergreen vines with soft branches and heart-shaped green leaves. The flowers are peculiar and the peanuts are in the leaf axils, so what are the seed planting methods of cranberry flowers? What should we pay attention to in breeding? Do you need pruning? Stamens brown, petals protruding, shaped like wind chimes, delicate posture

  • What are the culture methods of arrow lotus? what should we pay attention to when breeding?

    What are the culture methods of arrow lotus? what should we pay attention to when breeding?

    What are the culture methods of arrow lotus? what should we pay attention to when breeding?

  • What should peach trees pay attention to in summer?

    What should peach trees pay attention to in summer?

    What should peach trees pay attention to in summer? Please guide summer peach trees to pay attention to the following two main points: first, grasp the summer pruning work 1, arrange the main and side branches. 2. Remove the overgrown branches with branches in the inner chamber. 3. Non-branched fruiting branches of about 40m / 50cm can be twisted. 4. Inner chamber.

  • What should we pay attention to when growing lettuce in summer?

    What should we pay attention to when growing lettuce in summer?

    What should we pay attention to when growing lettuce in summer? Please give guidance on growing lettuce in summer to pay attention to the following aspects: 1. Pay attention to fertilizer and water management. Due to high summer temperature, strong light, large ground evaporation and large crop transpiration, it is necessary to often water the soil at the initial stage of planting to keep the soil moist. It was rainy from July to August.

  • What should we pay attention to when topdressing eggplant in summer?

    What should we pay attention to when topdressing eggplant in summer?

    What should we pay attention to when topdressing eggplant in summer? Please guide eggplant topdressing in summer to pay attention to the following points: avoid excessive one-time application of eggplant in the full fruit period of a great demand for nitrogen fertilizer, but in high temperature weather conditions, should use "a small number of times" fertilization method, do not apply too much at one time. It's usually 7.

  • When does rice transplant? What are the methods? What should I pay attention to?

    When does rice transplant? What are the methods? What should I pay attention to?

    Transplanting refers to transplanting seedlings into paddy fields, or refers to transplanting rice seedlings from rice fields to rice fields. So when will rice be planted? What are the methods? What should I pay attention to? I learned from rice grower Li Jianhui that the sowing time of early rice is in mid-April.

    2020-11-09 Rice when transplanting method have which need pay attention
  • What should we pay attention to when transplanting grapes in autumn? How to fertilize? What are the methods?

    What should we pay attention to when transplanting grapes in autumn? How to fertilize? What are the methods?

    Grape is one of the oldest fruit tree species in the world, eating raw or making raisins, and making wine. After making wine, the wine foot can lift the wine and eat acid, and the root and rattan medicine can stop vomiting and calm the fetus. What should we pay attention to when transplanting grapes in autumn? How to fertilize? What are the methods? Autumn grape

    2020-11-09 Autumn grapes transplanting to pay attention to what how fertilization methods
  • What should we pay attention to when topdressing crops?

    What should we pay attention to when topdressing crops?

    What should we pay attention to when topdressing crops? Please introduce to crops foliar topdressing if you want to have a good effect, you should pay attention to the following points: first, the leaf wetting time should be as long as possible. After spraying outside the root, the longer the wetting time of the leaf, the more nutrients the plant absorbed. Therefore, when fertilizing outside the root, it is generally chosen after 4: 00 p. M.

  • What do you pay attention to in autumn?

    What do you pay attention to in autumn?

    Pigs in autumn should pay attention to control indoor temperature, keep warm and avoid excessive temperature difference between morning and evening. At the same time, pay attention to the circulation of air in the circle to prevent the spread of diseases caused by air pollution. Seize the golden age to add nutrition to pigs, gain weight, and inject them at the same time

    2020-11-08 autumn pig raising attention what abstract should
  • What should we pay attention to when soaking seeds with pesticides?

    What should we pay attention to when soaking seeds with pesticides?

    What should we pay attention to when soaking seeds with pesticides? Please introduce the use of pesticides to soak seeds of crops need to pay attention to the following points (for reference): first, pay attention to the selection of dosage forms of medicament seed soaking using the diluent of the medicament, the medicament must be soluble in water. Can not soak the seeds with powder, because the powder is insoluble in water and the powder floats on the surface.

  • What to pay attention to in spring chicken farming

    What to pay attention to in spring chicken farming

    What to pay attention to in spring chicken farming

  • What should I pay attention to in the later stage of planting cotton?

    What should I pay attention to in the later stage of planting cotton?

    What should I pay attention to in the later stage of planting cotton? Please give an introduction to planting cotton to the later stage should pay attention to the following points: pay attention to drainage when cotton is in the flowering and bolling peak period, rain is large, light is less, the field water capacity is basically saturated, keep the cotton field drainage unblocked, and it is particularly critical not to have ponding. After a few minutes, I went to the bathroom.

  • What should we pay attention to when planting balsam pear in June?

    What should we pay attention to when planting balsam pear in June?

    What should we pay attention to when planting balsam pear in June? Balsam pear branching is very strong, almost every leaf can.

  • What should be paid attention to in tilapia culture

    What should be paid attention to in tilapia culture

    What should be paid attention to in tilapia culture

  • What should I pay attention to when picking shiitake mushrooms?

    What should I pay attention to when picking shiitake mushrooms?

    What should I pay attention to when picking shiitake mushrooms? Please guide the harvest of Lentinus edodes to pay attention to: first, grasp the best harvest time. Harvest at 7 or 8 minutes of maturity. As a sign of maturity, the bacterial membrane has been broken, the bacterial cap has not been fully developed, there is still a little inner roll, forming a "gong edge", and the bacterial folds have all been elongated. Lentinus edodes harvested at the right time are of bright color.

  • What should be paid attention to in jujube management?

    What should be paid attention to in jujube management?

    What should be paid attention to in jujube management? Please introduce the jujube management should pay attention to avoid the following problems: first, only pay attention to winter shearing, but ignore the summer tube jujube winter shearing can adjust the tree potential, improve the internal ventilation and light transmission conditions of the crown, help to concentrate nutrients and improve the quality of jujube fruit in the following year. "the trees are cut in winter and the summer tubes are solid." Summer tube.
